Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Romance in the air - 'The End'

What happens when you are in a transe and do things from a transe is that you loose the connection with reality. After couple of days, when the romance slowly disappears thinly in the air and the hard face of life started to fill in! The mail was never replied and it again questions on the reliability of technology. The major fight once you leap is you need to land some where, weather it’s a cushioned bed or a hard stone path. So S did not leave anything un-finished, backed up with far fetched thoughts and utopian theories, he build up a good conversation check list to spark off a talk. It went mostly like this.

S: Can we meet?

N: Why?

S: I want to tell you something.

N: Type it out here, what ever you want to tell.

S: Some things are better to be told

N: it’s up to you if you want to type in or you can leave the conversation.

S: That’s a dilemma, I want to talk in person but you look un-comfortable talking in person. Look I won’t bite

N: what’s the guarantee? :)

After a good 5 to 6 minutes pause

S: I have this far fetched thought and want to check if I stand a chance?

No response from N

S: I guess this silence can be taken as a No

N: you are good at guessing, so that’s all rites?

S: Just wanted to clear the air and I hope all is well :)

S: thanks for listening & bye

So after-effects of such a leap in romance often leaves a broken heart. But S was feeling a different kind of feeling of gratitude and happiness where he was able to express himself, as it goes; you do you karma (follow you heart) and don’t think about the rest. If it was supposed to happen, it would have happened, if its otherwise, may be that was the best for both.

S & N are my fictional characters, but this would be a common conversation that would happen to any two adults trying to see if things can be matched up. Just different flavors but message would be the same and out come can be anything from a yes to silence to a good frank no

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Romance in the air- 'The Begining'

You know what happens you watch so many romantic movies in a stride …..Yes you become romantic; to list a few….Serendipity, Kate & Leopod and You’ve got mail …..and you know what happens if you totally engross in the movie, you end wine up in the romantic mood …taking you to this fantasy world where everything is perfect and things work out as it would have been in a romantic story. I guess I am in such a leap now just hoping that I might land where I wish to …and the hope just keeps me going and here it goes I know I want to do and I am not sure where I might end up doing this, feels embarrassed or looks foolish or just have a wide smile pasted on my face thinking I did what I wanted to do, but my gut says to do it and see how it pans out.

Hi N,
I saw you some four months back, ( I don’t remember dates much) saying a stop sign in front of car playing around with your friends to cross the street and then you came by to say ‘hi’ with my friend when my friend came to get an envelope from me. It’s not much of the looks (yes, but obvious, you look pretty) but you know a feeling of having a lot of butterflies in your stomach with just a glance of you anywhere in my view point! There were some futile attempt to strike some conversations with you but I guess there is a reason why it turned out fruitless …and the biggest question, why I am telling this to you now; I don’t have anything close to an answer

So I am writing this to you asking
‘ Do you care for a coffee ?’


PS: I prefer not to talk a lot of self talk here but I think the fear of embarrassing myself in front of some one I might see again and again every day and a fear of finger pointing saying ‘look at the fool who came up to me’ kept myself from blurting out this to you ....to Be continued